Economic Valuation of Consumptive Non-Timber Forest Products Evidence from Rombo District (using Contingent Valuation Method)

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The dissertation describes the use of contingent valuation to estimate economic value of consumptive Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), availability, types and uses among rural residents adjacent to half mile strip in Rombo district


To Bribe or Not to Bribe: Incentives to Protect Tanzania´s Forest

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In forests managed by participatory management in Tanzania, “volunteer” patrollers often enforce access restrictions, receiving a share of collected fine revenue as incentive. The authors explore how shared revenue and alternative sources of forest products for villagers determine the patrollers’ enforcement effort and decision to take bribes rather than report violators.


Conditional Cooperation and Social Group: Experimental Results from Colombia

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There is growing interest in understanding whether behavior is the same across locations. By holding cross- and within-country dimensions constant (in contrast to previous studies on cross-group comparisons of conditional cooperation), the authors investigated cooperative behavior between social groups in the same location. Their results reveal significantly different cooperation behavior, suggesting that different social groups exhibit differences both in terms of composition of types and extent of conditional cooperation.



Assessing opportunity costs of conservation: Ingredients for protected area management in the Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya

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The Kakamega Forest is the only remaining tropical rainforest fragment in Western Kenya and hosts large numbers of endemic animal and plant species. Protected areas were established decades ago in order to preserve the forest's unique biodiversity from being converted into agricultural land by the regions large number of small-scale farmers. Nonetheless, recent research shows that degradation continues at alarming rates.


Tenure Security, Resource Endowments, and Tree Growing: Evidence from the Amhara Region of Ethiopia

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We analyze roles of tenure insecurity and household endowments in explaining tree growing in Ethiopia, where farmers cannot sell or mortgage land and factor markets are imperfect.
