Academic title
EfD Center
Role at EfD

ONYEABOR, Emmanuel Uzuamechi

Emmanuel Onyeabor is a Senior Research Fellow at EfD UNN. He has Masters’ (June 1994), (Oct. 1994) and (2005) in Environmental Management, Development Planning and Law, respectively from the Enugu State University of Science and Technology at Enugu, University of Port-Harcourt at Port-Harcourt and University of Nigeria at Nsukka. He also has a Ph.D. (2013) in Environmental Law and Policy from the University of Nigeria at Nsukka. He is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Law and Climate Change Law and Policy at the Faculty of Law, University of Nigeria, Nsukka at Enugu Campus.

Research interests

Emmanuel’s main research areas are Environmental Law and Policy, Development Planning, Climate Change Law and Policy. In his research, he has analysed the current legal framework for pollution control     in the Niger River Basin relative to SDG 6.3.  He also researched on the issue of litigating climate change induced impact by victims. As a follow up on the issue of litigating climate change induced impact, he also analysed International Liability Schemes and Claims in Climate Change Litigation as well as how to overcoming barriers to claims for loss and damage in climate change litigation and further researched on the political question and its effect in litigating loss and damage for victims of climate change induced impacts in Nigeria. He is currently involved in research on the green finance and sustainability bond and their viability as a financing technique in sustainable management of environmental footprints, as well as on changing the narratives in claims for water pollution damage in Nigeria.


Faculty Postgraduate coordinator, participated in Panels for 30+ Master’s and 10+ Ph.D in Environmental Law and Climate Change Law and Policy. Supervised 70+ undergraduates.

Grants and consultancy

  • African Law Foundation (Research and Evaluation of Nexuses of the Exploitation of Water In African Law (Renewal) Project.) Center for Water Security Cooperation, Washington DC, USA, 2020
  • Poverty in Africa Alternative (POVINAA) Democratic Governance For Development (DGD), 2011
  • Enugu State Justice Reform Team British Council/Access to Justice Programme, Lagos 2005
  • Enugu State Ministry of Environment DFID funded SLGP Programme 2004
  • Enugu State Judiciary/Ministry of Justice DFID funded Access to Justice Programme 2003

Policy engagement

  • House of Representatives Committee on Environment & Habitat, National Assembly, Abuja, 2017
  • National Institute for Legislative Studies, Abuja 2013


  • Best Academic Staff, Department of International and Comparative Law 2018
  • Best Academic Staff, Department of International and Comparative Law 2016
  • Best Academic Staff, Department of International Law and Jurisprudence 2013
  • Best Academic Staff, Department of International Law and Jurisprudence 2011
People | 1 May 2020