Lake Victoria Fish Stocks and the Effects of Water Hyacinths on the Catchability of Fish

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EfD Authors:

This study of the deleterious effect on fishing by the water hyacinth invasion of Lake Victoria found an unusual positive: the decline of fish catchability caused by the the abundance of water hyacinths has paradoxically stopped or at least postponed serious overfishing.



Assessing management options for weed control with demanders and non-demanders in a choice experiment

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The yellow floating heart is a water weed causing nuisance problems in Swedish watercourses. An economic analysis of this is required where various management options are considered.

Indicators for an invasive species: Water Hyacinths in Lake Victoria

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The purpose of this paper is to create and discuss a measure of water hyacinth abundance in Lake Victoria. Water hyacinths have dramatic effects on other activities such as fisheries. However, understanding their spread and effects is hampered by the lack of reliable information.
