It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix: a study of concern for relative standing in rural China

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This paper examines the concern for relative standing among rural households in China. We used a survey-experimental method to measure to what extent poor Chinese farmers care about their relative income and found that the respondents cared to a high degree


Small but Effective Moves towards A Greener China

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Ten years ago, there was hardly any environmental enforcement by civil society or by the markets in China. In 1999–2000, the World Bank collaborated on a pilot programme with the Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Nanjing University, the Zhenjiang Environmental Protection Bureau in Jiangsu Province and the Hohhot Academy of Environmental Sciences in Inner Mongolia.

Policy Design

Importance of biodiversity and ecosystems in economic growth and equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: An economic valuation of ecosystems

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EfD Authors:

Part of the UNDP Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean: A biodiversity super power.

Report aims to inform policy makers and businesses in LAC  about the economic risks and opportunities of undertaking productive activities that impact on and are influenced by biodiversity and  Ecosystem Services (ES).The Report is a tool to assist governments and stakeholders to analyze the role of ES in order to incorporate them into economic planning, policy and investment at the sectoral level.


Decision making under information constraints

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The purposes of placing sensors in water distribution systems vary from complying with water quality regulations, monitoring accidental contamination events, and detecting intentional contamination events.

Experiments, Policy Design

Cost of Land Degradation in Ethiopia: A Critical Review of Past Studies

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This study will review the past studies of the cost of land degradation in Ethiopia, assess the major methodological and conceptual issues and problems existing in the different approaches, compare the findings across these studies considering the relative merits of the different approaches, and draw implications for policies and programs, as well as for future research related to land management in Ethiopia.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Forestry

“An Analysis of Water Users’ Preferences for a Community Based Management Regime to Manage Groundwater Use: an Application of Choice Experiment to the Merguellil River Basin”

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EfD Authors:

One of the most pressing problems faced by the Tunisian farmers and authorities is the inexorable decline of the water table over the past twenty years due to the over-exploitation of the groundwater. This study is an attempt to find how this issue can be resolved through collective action.

Policy Design