Book: Gobernanza y gerencia del desarrollo sostenible. Chapter: El rol del Estado en la gobernanza social y ambiental empresarial

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Book: "Gobernanza y gerencia del desarrollo sostenible". Eds: Rodriguez Becerra, M. y Velez, Maria Alejandra. Ediciones Uniandes. 2018.

Chapter 9: El rol del Estado en la gobernanza social y ambiental empresarial. Authors: Ximena Rueda, María Alejandra Vélez, Sergio Puerto.

Conservation, Policy Design

Smallholders at a Crossroad: Intensify or Fall behind? Exploring Alternative Livelihood Strategies in a Globalized World.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The chocolate market is experiencing a wave of market differentiation thanks to the emergence of the bean‐to‐bar movement. Cacao is seeing both a rise in demand for mass markets and a process of market bifurcation into more specialized, high‐quality products for wealthy urban consumers. For the specialized market, the quality and origin of the beans are important attributes. Direct trading between chocolate makers and famers seeks to promote the conservation of rare cultivars and traditional agroforestry systems, while lifting farmers out of poverty.


Quality as a driver of sustainable agricultural value chains: The case of the relationship coffee model.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Specialty coffee markets that recognize coffee‐quality price premiums can improve business conditions for smallholders and promote agro‐ecological practices. We studied the Relationship Coffee Model (RCM), a business model that supports long‐term partnerships between coffee buyers and smallholders based on product quality. We examined how biophysical conditions and production practices affect smallholders’ ability to participate in this model. Furthermore, we considered common unobservable variables driving growers’ participation such as farm soil quality and connection to social networks.


Sustainable supply chain management in developing countries: An analysis of the literature

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of the academic literature addressing Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) practices in developing countries. A systematic literature review method was adopted; selected papers were reviewed from 2000 to 2016 that matched our inclusion criteria. Common themes across the literature were identified covering four factors regarding the adoption of SSCM: drivers, barriers, mechanisms and outcomes.

Policy Design

Between-group competition enhances cooperation in public goods appropriation games

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Cooperation in public goods games increases in the presence of between-group competition. In this study, we validate the effect of between-group competition in a different social dilemma, a resource appropriation game. Unlike the voluntary contributions setting, group performance in this game increases with the exercise of a passive choice: not appropriating units in an open-access resource. We conducted an incentivized experiment using 276 undergraduate students in which groups of four subjects played a resource appropriation game.


Chapter 13: (Real) behavior meets (real) institutions: towards a research agenda on the study of the commons

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on
EfD Authors:

"Chapter 13: (Real) behavior meets (real) institutions: towards a research agenda on the study of the commons" in A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics. Elgar Research Agendas. Edited by:Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley. 2018.

Abstract Chapter 13:


Acción Colectiva Para Abordar Conflictos Socio-Ambientales. El Caso De Santurbán (Collective Action to Address Social-Environmental Conflicts the Case of Santurbán)

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

El presente capítulo describe y analiza un proceso participativo llevado a cabo con el propósito de apoyar la construcción de acuerdos colectivos y un sistema de monitoreo ciudadano para el manejo sostenible de las cuencas de los ríos Suratá, en Santander, y Zulia y Pamplonita en Norte de Santander, asociadas al Complejo de Páramos Jurisdicciones Santurbán Berlín (CPJSB).
