Implementing REDD through Community-Based Forest Management Lessons from Tanzania

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REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) aims to slow carbon releases caused by forest disturbance by making payments conditional on forest quality over time. Like earlier policies to slow deforestation, REDD must change the behaviour of forest degraders.

Climate Change, Forestry, Policy Design
EfD-Tanzania (EfDT)

The Supply of Inorganic Fertilizers to Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania, Evidence for Fertilizer Policy Development

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Inorganic fertilizer is one of a handful of agricultural technologies that have immense potential for raising the productivity of poor smallholders, enabling them to increase income, accumulate assets, and set themselves economically on a pathway out of poverty.

Agriculture, Policy Design

EfD Tanzania Center Report 2011/12

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This report presents EfD Tanzania, its members and work during 2011/12. For a free hardcopy, please send an email to:

The Tanzanian node of the Environment for Development initiative is based at:

Economics Department, University of Dar es Salaam

Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Coordinator: Dr Razack Lokina



Sizing Protected Areas within a Landscape: The Roles of Villagers’ Reaction and the Ecological-Socioeconomic Setting

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Traditionally, siting and sizing decisions for parks and reserves reflected ecological characteristics but typically failed to consider ecological costs created from displaced resource collection, welfare costs on nearby rural people, and enforcement costs.
