Contingent valuation in project planning and evaluation: the case of social forestry in Orissa, India

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There have been few applications of the contingent valuation method (CVM) to forests in developing countries. When applied, the method is seldom utilized to improve the implementation of development projects.


Trade, GMOs, and Environmental Risk: Are Policies Likely to Improve Welfare?

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Food with inputs from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has met considerable skepticism among European Union (EU) consumers. The EU import ban on GM food has triggered a great deal of controversy and has been partly replaced by a mandatory labeling scheme. Although there is no measure in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade that directly addresses the use of product labeling, WTO and others have been skeptical to mandatory product labeling on the grounds that they may be used as hidden protectionism hampering global welfare. This study has two foci.

Policy Design

Spatial Variability and Disincentives to Harvest: Deforestation and Fuelwood Collection in South Asia

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A major strategy to combat deforestation caused by household fuel collection has been the establishment of plantations, especially in India.

A household model is specified with a number of collection possibilities and analyzed empirically using household, vegetation, and GIS data, and the potential decrease in collection from the natural forest is estimated. The results show reduced pressure on the natural, forest due to the establishment of plantations. It also questions buffer zone plantations very close to natural forests.


Do Hypothetical and Actual Marginal Willingness to Pay Differ in Choice Experiments? Application to the Valuation of the Environment

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In this paper we test the validity of choice experiments with donations for environmental projects.

In particular, we test whether or not there are differences in preferences between a hypothetical and an actual choice experiment: our experiments indicate no differences. In addition, internal tests of validity indicate transitive and stable preferences in both experiments, although there are some indications of possible learning effects during the experiment.


Policy Design

Towards an integrated sustainable management of fisheries

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This article discusses the underlying causes for the problem of managing fish stocks and the
aim of fisheries management.It reviews some of the research development in the area and practical experiences. Further, it deals with the future challenges and discusses potential successful strategies and outlines the necessary conditions for actual progress from the current state.


Political and Economic Freedom and the Environment: The Case of CO2 Emissions

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In this paper we investigate what effect political and economic freedom has on emissions of CO2. The estimated models predict that CO2 is always increasing in GDP even at high level of GDP, which confirms the results of earlier studies.

Willingness to Pay for Improved Air Quality in Sweden

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The aim of the paper is to quantify individual willingness-to-pay measures of improved air quality in Sweden by using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). Such measures are important for policy makers when deciding about public investments and policy instruments in order to regulate environmental impacts, e.g. from road transportation and industry.


Air Quality

Environmental Taxation and Strategic Commitment in Duopoly Models

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In this paper, we address the issue of optimal environmental taxation under imperfect competition. The problem is analysed for three different types of duopoly models, the Cournot open and closed loop models, and the Stackelberg model.

Climate Change