The potential for monopoly rents from Etosha National Park, Namibia

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This paper reports on a survey carried out among visitors to Etosha, Namibia, in May 2002. We use the contingent valuation method to estimate foreign tourists’ willingness to pay for visiting the park.


Essays on Environmental Policy-Making in Developing Countries: Applications to Costa Rica

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EfD Authors:

This thesis consists of five papers dealing with fairly heterogeneous issues, based on the problems or topics analyzed, but also based on the methodologies used to approach them. The overriding motives are the design of environmental policies in the context of a typical developing country (where Costa Rica is used as a representative of such countries), and the study and application of techniques that can provide the necessary information for policy-making.


Incentive-based regulation of CO2 emissions from international aviation

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We explore the possibilities of using incentive-based environmental regulations of CO2 emissions from international civil aviation. In theory incentive-based instruments such as an emission charge or a tradable emission permit system are better regulations than so-called command-and-control regulations such as emission limits or technology standards.

Carbon Pricing

CASE STUDY 2: Zimbabwe: Economy-Wide Policies And Deforestation: Applied General Equilibrium Modelling

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This chapter of the book uses a computable general equilibrium (CGE)
approach to capture the different interactions and their influence on the consequent impact of policy reforms on the economy and deforestation in Namibia.


Measuring Future Grandparents' Preferences for Equality and Relative Standing

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Individuals' aversion to risk and inequality, and their concern for relative standing, are measured through experimental choices between hypothetical societies.

It is found that, on average, individuals are both fairly inequality-averse and have a strong concern for relative income. The results are used to illustrate welfare consequences based on a utilitarian SWF and a modified CRRA utility function. It is shown that the social marginal utility of income may then become negative, even at income levels that are far from extreme.

Environmental Charges in Airline Markets

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EfD Authors:

Over the last two decades many airline markets have been deregulated, resulting in increased competition and use of different types of networks. At the same time there has been an intense discussion on environmental taxation of airline traffic. It is likely that an optimal environmental tax and the effects of a tax differ between different types of aviation markets.

Climate Change

Impact of Plantations on Forest Use and Forest status in Orissa, India

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In Orissa 100 thousand ha of village plantations were established from 1985 to 1992 as an aid project to support the subsistence needs of rural poor and to relieve heavy pressure on the natural forests. The aim of this paper is to examine the welfare and environmental effects of these village plantations.


Decomposition of Namibian energy intensity

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This paper uses decomposition methodology to study whether the changes in Namibian aggregate energy intensity have been structurally driven – as in most developing countries studied to date – or whether they have been driven by changes in energy efficiency at the sectoral level.


Growth of Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus 1758), in the Skagerrak, estimated from tagging experiments and length frequency data

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Parameter values for the von Bertalanffy growth model are estimated for Nephrops norvegicus in the Skagerrak on the Swedish west coast using analysis of length frequency distribution from commercial catches and tag-recapture data.


Energy use in the Namibian economy from 1995 to 1998

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EfD Authors:

As part of a natural resource accounting project being undertaken in Namibia, energy accounts have been compiled and are used to analyse energy use by different economic sectors. Households account for most energy use, especially of traditional fuels, and many households continue to rely on Ž rewood even when they have access to electricity.
