Tenure Rights and Stewardship of Marine Resources: A co-managed Swedish shrimp fishery in a marine reserve

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EfD Authors:

Economic theory predicts that open access leads to myopic behaviour of fishermen, while improving property rights leads to more long-term decisions of fishermen.


Are demand elasticities affected by politically determined tax levels? Simultaneous estimates of gasoline demand and price

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EfD Authors:

Raising the price of fossil fuels is a key component of any effective policy to deal with climate change. Just how effective such policies are is decided by the price elasticities of demand.

Climate Change

Risk Implications of Farm Technology Adoption in the Ethiopian Highlands

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In developing countries, production and consumption risks play a critical role in the choice and use of production inputs and adoption of new farm technologies. The authors investigated impacts of chemical fertilizer and soil and water conservation technologies adoption on production risks, using a moment-based approach and two years of cross-sectional data.



Benefits of Organic Agriculture as a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for Developing Countries

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EfD Authors:

Organic agriculture (OA) is a concrete and promising strategy for adaptation to climate change and variability for rural communities has additional potential as a mitigation strategy.

OA is a sustainable livelihood strategy with decades of use in several climate zones and widely variable local conditions. Its financial requirements for adaptation or mitigation are low. Further research is needed on yields from OA and its mitigation and sequestration potential. Other critical aspects to consider are information provision and institutional structures.

Agriculture, Climate Change

Unintended Impacts of Multiple Instruments on Technology Adoption

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EfD Authors:

This paper analyzes unintended impacts of the interaction of multiple environmental policy instruments, specifically, the effects of tradable permits and seasonal direct regulations on adoption rates of advanced abatement technologies.

When environmental emergencies are exogenous, mixing direct regulations with tradable permits induces an inefficient rate of adoption, while tradable permits maximize social welfare. If endogenous, then tradable permits and emissions standards could eventually offer a higher level of social welfare.


Policy Design

Impacts of the Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia on Livestock and Tree Holdings of Rural Households

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We evaluated the impacts of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on rural households’ holdings of livestock and forest assets including trees, applying both regression analysis and propensity score matching to panel data.


Innovation and diffusion of Environmental Technology: Industrial NOX abatement in Sweden under Refunded Emission Payments

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In this paper we study the process of technical change in the case of pollution abatement from large stationary sources that have been regulated by a very forceful refunded emission payment policy.

Climate Change, Policy Design