Displaying 841 - 850 of 3643 publications

Abstract The increasing frequency of extreme events, exogenous and endogenous, poses challenges for our societies. The current pandemic is a case in point; but "once-in-a-century" weather events are…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

This study aims to establish the linkage among export tax rebate (ETR), firm innovation and product quality of Chinese agricultural product processing industry (APPI), so that more targeted policy…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Although, climate change produces a wide range of effects, including output, institution, conflict, investment and etc., there is little knowledge on whether adapting to climate change could produce…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Introduction South Africa has the dubious distinction of having amongst the highest rates of unemployment and inequality in the world. It is also one of the most emissions-intensive economies…

| Policy Brief | South Africa

Abstract Apart from having amongst the highest rates of unemployment and inequality in the world, South Africa is also a highly emissions-intensive economy. This paper examines the key drivers of the…

| Other Publications |

La guía busca difundir el enfoque de economía circular y proveer, tanto a los gobiernos locales de Costa Rica, como a otros actores del ámbito local, las pautas sobre cómo materializar su interés de...

| Other Publications | Central America

The inverse farm size and productivity relationship (IR) is a recurring theme in the literature. However, most previous studies were undertaken within a setting of mixed cropping systems. In this…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Summary. Chile has established unique marine resource user rights to reduce resource over-exploitation and expand economic opportunities in coastal areas. These rights sometimes overlap, so that one…

| Research Brief | Chile

Abstract: In this paper, we describe and analyze an experience in the use of marine resources as a base for economic activities and development of coastal communities. According to the economic theory…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Chile