Displaying 831 - 840 of 3643 publications

ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on virtually all facets of society. With the enforcement of COVID-19 control measures such as lockdown and stay-at-home orders in Nigeria…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

The project has investigated experiences of and prerequisites for applying environmental compensation within a municipal planning context. The project has examined environmental compensation as a…

| Report | Global Hub

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on virtually all facets of society. With the enforcement of COVID-19 control measures such as lockdown and stay-at-home orders in Nigeria, palpable…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Abstract Understanding who would be affected in which way by carbon pricing is pivotal for effective and socially equitable policy design, addressing climate change, and reducing inequality. This…

| Peer Reviewed |

Young people can be the drivers of inclusive transformation. Nonetheless, with low levels
of financial literacy and even lower employment opportunities, they are faced with severe

| Policy Brief | Kenya

Sweetpotato value chains are changing rapidly due to changing weather, consumption patterns, increasing incomes, increased awareness and demand for quality products by consumers (Okello et al., 2018)...

| Report | Uganda

Debate about what proportion of the Earth to protect often overshadows the question of how nature should be conserved and by whom. We present a systematic review and narrative synthesis of 169…

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Abstract It has been widely recognized that human life and welfare depend on ecological systems. Although forests provide an important range of ecosystem services, they are heavily threatened by…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Since 2012 the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has been piloting the Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) approach in East Africa, including the Nyando basin...

| Report | Kenya

The crucial role of electricity in prosecuting the development agenda of economies is widely known. Yet some key variables are lacking in the assessment of electricity demand determinants. One such…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana