The project has investigated experiences of and prerequisites for applying environmental compensation within a municipal planning context. The project has examined environmental compensation as a policy instrument, the application of the mitigation hierarchy, the design of compensation models and procedures, the use of different frameworks for assessing losses and gains, and the public’s preferences for different compensation options. The project has been carried out in close co-operation with Helsingborg and Lomma municipalities. Kommunförbundet Skåne has been the project’s communication partner and organizer of several major meetings and workshops with officials from many municipalities in Skåne. ...
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Publication reference
Jönsson, K. I., Hasselström, L., Bengtsson, F., Björn, H., Cole, S., Doherty, H., … Söderqvist, T. (2021). Ekologisk kompensation som styrmedel i kommunal planering. Retrieved from Naturvårdsverket website: