Displaying 2711 - 2720 of 3643 publications

This study uses survey data from randomly selected rural households in Ethiopia to examine the coping mechanisms employed by rural households to deal with fuelwood scarcity. The determinants of…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

In this paper, we analyze the effects of the choice of price (taxes) versus quantity (tradable permits) instruments on the policy response to technological change. We show that if policy responses…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This report, 2011 Resources for the Future (RFF) Activities in Human Cooperation to Manage Natural Resources (COMMONS) program funded by the Swedish Research Council, Formas, contains an introductory…

| Report |

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in poor countries typically address the impact of fishing restrictions on rural resource-dependent villagers because of their mandate and because achieving conservation…

| Policy Brief | Tanzania

This paper explores the issue of “trust” in the fisheries science community, a key corollary of effective risk communication. It presents the findings of a survey undertaken in Iceland, Greece, Spain…

| Peer Reviewed |

Studying collective responses to extreme climatic events is fundamental in the design of adaptation strategies in developing countries In a climate change context, social safety nets (SSNs) are…

| Policy Brief | Central America

Understanding patterns of access rights, investments, and enforcement Over the past thirty years, a series of policies have aimed to address rural people’s dependence on forest resources while…

| Policy Brief | Tanzania

In this study we seek to explain the determinants of catches for the Nile perch and tilapia fisheries of Uganda’s section of Lake Victoria. Production functions are estimated from data collected from…

| Peer Reviewed |

A large part of the literature analyzing the links between biodiversity conservation and community development assumes that nature-based tourism managed by indigenous communities will result not only…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America, Sweden

Where joint forest management has been introduced into Tanzania, ‘volunteer’ patrollers take responsibility for enforcing restrictions over the harvesting of forest resources, often receiving as an…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania