Displaying 3631 - 3640 of 3650 publications

This paper discusses whether quick fixes for environmental problems is part of the solution, or part of the problem. HUMANITY IS increasingly confronted with rapidly emerging large-scale environmental…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

A fishery run as a perfect monopoly seeking to maximize its profits over time, and secure in its monopoly rights, will try to maximize the present value of its economic rents or profits over time. To…

| Report | South Africa

We use firm-level data to study the adoption of Environmental Management Practices (EMPs) in the most polluting industrial sectors in Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia during…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

The proportion of money sent, which is typically assumed to reflect trust, decreased significantly as the stake size was increased in a trust game conducted in rural Bangladesh. Nevertheless, even…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The most important Namibian linefish species, the silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus, is currently heavily exploited, and in order to ensure its survival catch restrictions are being introduced. However…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This paper reports the results of a stated preference survey in the highlands of Ethiopia where the farmers are given a choice between an agricultural extension package and a local public -…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden, Ethiopia, Global Hub

The Swedish coastal zone is a scene of conflicting interests about various goods and services provided by nature. Open-access conditions and the public nature of many services increase the difficulty…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This chapter discusses the use of PES schemes as a suitable market-based instrument to achieve sustainable use and management of ecosystems regarded as important, due to their contribution to human…

| Books | Central America

This paper presents an experimental study of two different pollution compliance games: collective vis-à-vis random fining as a means to regulate non-point pollution. Result suggests the importance of…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

This paper discusses the practical problems of implementing water policy and pricing reforms in transition economies by looking at the case of Odessa, Ukraine. Chief among the policy advice for the…

| Peer Reviewed |