Displaying 291 - 300 of 327 publications

The design of a sensor-placement scheme capable of detecting all possible contamination events for a water distribution system before consumers are put at risk is essentially impossible given current…

| Peer Reviewed | China

With decentralization experiments occurring in the Chinese forestry sector, the authors used a survey-based choice experiment to investigate farmers’ preferences for various property-rights attributes…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China, Sweden

This paper focuses on the concept of social capital and its impacts on natural resources management. The paper contributes to the continuing debate over the multifaceted concept of social capital, and…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Drawing on a dataset covering a large number of randomly sampled villages across China, the present paper examines the issue of residential solid waste management service provision in rural China…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This paper describes an integrated modeling approach to combine a top-down, recursive CGE model with a bottom-up, electricity-sector model to simulate two categories of policies. This paper describes…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China

Forest data from the recent period of rapid growth in China show interesting macroeconomic and population impacts on the forest. It makes a theoretical argument for separating forests into managed and…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China, Sweden

Many greenhouse gas mitigation policies that shift fossil fuel use are accompanied by some hidden environmental benefits, so called “co-benefits” or “ancillary benefits.” Since these “co-benefits” are…

| Discussion Paper, EfD Discussion Paper | China

As with other components of its receding planned economy, China’s state forestry sector faces growing pressure to reform, restructure and liberalize, with policymakers considering the tradeoffs…

| Discussion Paper | China

Using nationally representative data, the present paper examines the impact of China's ongoing rural tax reform on farmers. The difficulties in further local governance restructuring are also…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This paper studies the impact of the largest conservation set-aside program in the developing world, China’s Grain for Green program, on poverty alleviation in rural areas. Based on a large-scale…

| Peer Reviewed | China