Academic programs

Ph.D Economics (field: resource ad environmental economics)

Resource and Environmental Economics is one of the 9 fields in NSD, PKU. , and is the field sponsored by C2E3 (or EfD China), on average 6-10 doctoral students work with EfD China and 2-3 graduate with Ph.D in Economics. Most Ph.D graduates are employed at major universities in China (Fudan U., Zhejiang U., Shanghai U., Sichuan U., Beijing Forestry U. Beijing Normal U.)


Bachelor in Economics

Our school graduates around 30 undergrad each year, among which around 2-5 conduct thesis studies with EfD China researchers.

 For more information click on the following links or contact:

Ph.D Economics (field: resource ad environmental economics) Hang Yin:
Bachelor in Economics, theis Hang Yin:
Updated: 8 May 2020