Seventh Workshop - Bogotá, Colombia

Event Information

Bogotá, Colombia

The seventh EfD Forest Collaborative workshop, held during the 13th Annual Meeting of EfD


Forest Collaborative Workshop Agenda



Concept Note: Mexico - Nov. 2019

- Danae Hernandez, Alejandro López-Feldman, and Fernanda Márquez-Padilla


Economics of Afforestation: A Global Leadership Opportunity for EfD - Nov. 2019

- Jeffrey R. Vincent


Forest and Health: China Case - Nov. 2019

- Shilei Liu and Jintao Xu


Forests and Mental Health in South Africa: Panel Data Evidence - Nov. 2019

- Dambala Gelo


Agenda and Presentations Hosted at: PDXScholar/fc_research


Event | 25 April 2020