Essays on behavioral economics and policy design

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on
EfD Authors:

This thesis consists of three self-contained chapters on issues related to spillover effects of behavioral and policy interventions aimed at reducing negative incentives provided by consumption and production subsidies, and discusses the implications for environmental policy design. The first two chapters investigate spillover effects of a behavioral intervention aimed at incentivizing residential water savings in Colombia.

Agriculture, Experiments, Conservation, Energy, Policy Design, Water

Decisiones de localización y cambios regulatorios: el caso de la acuicultura en Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Se estudia la evolución de la actividad acuícola en Chile y el impacto de los cambios regulatorios sobre las decisiones de localización de los centros de cultivo. Este estudio considera un análisis descriptivo del desarrollo espacio-temporal de los centros de cultivo. Enseguida, utilizando un panel de datos, se estimó un modelo de elección de sitios con el objetivo de explorar los factores determinantes de la elección de ubicación de los centros acuícolas. Los resultados del análisis sugieren la existencia de un claro patrón de desarrollo espacio-temporal de la acuicultura en Chile.


ITQ Markets with administrative costs: An application to the industrial common sardine and anchovy fishery in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Using numerical simulations of the mixed common sardine and anchovy fishery of central-southern Chile, we study the effects of the distribution of administrative costs between the government and the fishing industry in an individual transferable quota system. Consistent with recent theoretical results, we find that the level and distribution of the administrative costs between the public and private sector affects the period-by-period equilibrium quota price and number of active vessels.


Compliance in Artisanal Fisheries: Do Morality, Legitimacy, and Peer Effects Matter?

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We study the compliance behavior of artisanal fishermen in central-southern Chile. Our empirical analysis explores the role of individual morality, perception of legitimacy, and peer effects as determinant factors in the decision to violate regulations. We control for potential simultaneity bias in the peer effects variable.

Our results find evidence that moral standing, peer effects, and legitimacy considerations are important for fishermen’s compliance decisions. Policy implications to improve compliance with regulations in artisanal fisheries are discussed.


Quota Compliance in TURFs: An Experimental Analysis on Complementarities of Formal and Informal Enforcement with Changes in Abundance

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

We explore the effects of different enforcement mechanisms, including formal (external), informal (local), and both together, on individual compliance behavior under a system of territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs). Our design considers different stock abundance levels and the effect that such differences may exert on extraction decisions and compliance behavior. The analysis is based on a framed field experiment conducted with artisanal fishers in central-southern Chile.

Fisheries, Policy Design

Poverty Impact of Salmon Growth Centers in Los Lagos’s Region in Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This study evaluates the impact on poverty produced by the establishment of salmon aquaculture  in rural localities of Los Lagos region in Chile in the period 1992 - 2002.


EfD Annual report 2014/15

Submitted by Karin Jonson on

The EfD Report 2014/15  gives you an excellent overview of the EfD centres´ achievements during 2014 and ongoing work during 2015. Ranging from interesting policy stories on how economic research is put to use around the world to collaborative research programs, a wide range of publications, and our academic capacity building program.