Ocean Food-Web Patrol – Climate Effects: Reducing Targeted Uncertainties With An Interactive Network

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on
EfD Authors:

The project has the goal of providing more comprehensive and reliable information to climate scientists and politicians who must make decisions about climate actions. It will rely on collecting existing knowledge from databases and will generate new knowledge where gaps are identified.

Climate Change, Fisheries, Policy Design

Productivity development in Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish fisheries

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This article analyses the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) performance of fisheries in Iceland, Norway and Sweden during the period 1973 to 2003. We measure TFP growth using real gross value added as output and capital input, labour input and a stock input index based on the major fish stocks. In developed neighbouring countries, we expect rapid diffusion of fishing technology innovations contributing to productivity convergence. In addition, innovations in the public regulation and the industrial organization may also have influenced productivity growth during the period.


Who Should Pay the Administrative Costs of an ITQ Fishery

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Implementation and management of an ITQ fishery involves significant and costly administrative activities. These activities include formulating and implementing policy rules, monitoring and enforcement to deter illegal behavior, and economic and marine research. In this article we construct a model of a competitive ITQ system to analyze how the distribution of administrative costs between the public and a fishing industry can affect the equilibrium in the quota market, including equilibrium level of administrative costs, and derive results about the optimal distribution of these costs.


Effort Optimization in Artisanal Fisheries with Multiple Management Objectives, Collective Quotas, and Heterogeneous Fleets

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

In this study, we analyse effort optimisation in common rights-based joint-stock artisanal fisheries when several objectives are pursued by the authorities and the fleets are heterogeneous. The purpose is to discuss policy options available to the authorities and their implications in terms of trade-offs between goals. We apply a multi-objective programming model to the sardine and anchovy artisanal fisheries in central southern Chile. The results suggest that the regulatory system generates inefficient solutions for profit and employment maximisation goals.


The Centenary of Jens Warming’s Optimal Landing Tax in Fisheries

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This note acknowledges Jens Warming's contributions (1911, 1931) on what has since come to be known as the open access problem in fisheries. Warming, in a static framework, suggested an optimal landing tax before Pigou (1920) and described the sole owner solution later suggested by Scott (1955b). I describe these results using Warming's framework and point to his previously overlooked contribution concerning the dynamic aspect of fisheries.


The Role of Incentives for Sustainable Implementation of Marine Protected Areas: An Example from Tanzania

Submitted by admin on

Although Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) provide an increasingly popular policy tool for protecting marine stocks and biodiversity, they pose high costs for small-scale fisherfolk who have few alternative livelihood options in poor countries. MPAs often address this burden on local households by providing some benefits to compensate locals and/or induce compliance with restrictions.


Production Functions for Nile Perch and Tilapia Fisheries: A case study of Uganda’s Section of Lake Victoria

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In this study we seek to explain the determinants of catches for the Nile perch and tilapia fisheries of Uganda’s section of Lake Victoria. Production functions are estimated from data collected from a survey of 100 boats engaged in fishing of Nile perch, and 150 boats fishing tilapia, in 3 districts along Lake Victoria.

Fisheries, Policy Design

The Effect of Temporal Closures and Individual Quotas on Fishing Trip Duration: A Hazard Function Analysis

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

In this article, we assess the effect that two different fishery management regimes have on the duration of the fishing trip. A basic theoretical model predicts that trip duration should increase with temporal closures and decrease with an individual quota system. Therefore, we propose and apply an empirical trip duration model.
