What does it take to be heard in managing marine protected areas? Insights from Tanzania coastal communities

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

This paper explores the debate on participatory approach by presenting evidence from the local communities practices living within the marine protected area in Tanzania (Mnazi Bay Ruvuma-Estuary Marine Park). Five out of fifteen villages that exist in Mnazi Bay Marine Park were selected for this study after consultation with the park authority. Stratified sampling of villages was conducted based on the location from the Indian Ocean: three villages located close to the sea (sea front villages) and two villages located far from the sea (inland villages).


Trade and resources: Welfare effects of the Lake Victoria fisheries boom

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

We examine the welfare implications of the Tanzanian fisheries boom resulting from Lake Victoria Nile perch exports during 1993–2008. In the literature, there are two opposing views on the effect of fish trade: some argue that fish trade can act as an engine of growth, while others contend that trade in fish negatively affects food security, local economies and incomes of the poor.


Who Should Set the Total Allowable Catch? Social Preferences and Legitimacy in Fisheries Management Institutions

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

We develop a decision making model based on constraints that are typically encountered in fisheries management when setting the total allowable quota. The model allows us to assess the differences in outcomes when the decision is made by different management institutions under uncertain conditions.


The value of the Swedish eel fishery

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Traditional sectors such as agriculture and fishing often receive special treatment from policymakers because such sectors are perceived to be associated with traditional cultural public good values. However, these values are often difficult to measure and few attempts have been made to do so.


The behavior of hake prices in Chile: is the world market leading?

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

In this study we analyzed price determination throughout the Chilean hake market chain. To analyze the relationship between different prices which participate in this chain, a VECM model was successfully estimated.


The role of incentives for sustainable implementation of marine protected areas: an example from Tanzania

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

Although Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an increasingly popular policy tool for protecting marine stocks and biodiversity, they pose high costs for small-scale fisherfolk in poor countries.


Evaluation of potential impacts and vulnerability reduction of fisheries to climate change: the case of the main fisheries of central-south Chile - (in spanish)

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Chapter in book "Climate change, fisheries and aquaculture in latin America: Potential impacts and challenges for adaptation (In Spanish)" Editors: Doris Soto and Renato A. Quiñones, FAO Acts of Fisheries and Aquaculture Nº29, 335 pp., FAO, Rome, Italy.

Climate Change

Effect of Social Networks on the Economic Performance of TURFs: The Case of the Artisanal Fisherman Organizations in Southern Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

The effect of social capital on the economic performance of artisanal  fishermen organizations that work under a Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURF) system was tested using the social networks approach. The application was based on a sample of artisanal fishers organizations that extract the locally named “loco” (Concholepas concholepas) in Central-Southern Chile. Social networks were measured through organizations’ structural properties and their bonding, linking, and bridging relationships. Economic performance was measured through per capita income.


Extraction of natural resources in contexts of abundance and scarcity: An experimental analysis on non-compliance with quotas in management and exploitation areas of benthic resources in central-southern Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We study through framed field economic experiment the effects of exogenous changes in abundance levels of a renewable natural resource on compliance individual decisions of users operating under a common property regime and a system of Territorial use rights in fisheries (TURF) considering extraction quotas and external enforcement to detect and sanctions violations.
