The effect of air pollution on migration: evidence from China

Submitted by Hang Yin on
EfD Authors:

This paper looks at the effects of air pollution on migration in China using changes in the average strength of thermal inversions over five-year periods as a source of exogenous variation for medium-run air pollution levels. Our findings suggest that air pollution is responsible for large changes in inflows and outflows of migration in China. Specifically, we find that a 10 percent increase in air pollution, holding everything else constant, is capable of reducing population through net outmigration by about 2.8 percent in a given county.

Air Quality, Health

The Costs of "Blue Sky": Environmental Regulation, Technology Upgrading, and Labor Demand in China

Submitted by Hang Yin on
EfD Authors:

To cope with the stricter environmental regulation, manufacturing firms need to carry out pollution reduction activities and change their optimal production decisions, which may affect their labor demand.

Air Quality, Health, Policy Design

Impact of air pollution on labor productivity: evidence from prison factory data

Submitted by Hang Yin on
EfD Authors:

This study examined the causal relationship between air pollution and labor productivity, by adopting prison factory data for a perfect measure of labor productivity. To address the endogeneity of air pollution, an instrumental variable strategy was used. The results showed that a 10-unit increase in air pollution index led to a significant decrease in labor productivity by 4%.

Air Quality, Health

Shocks and Mental Health – Panel Data Evidence from South Africa

Submitted by Petra Hansson on
EfD Authors:

Households in developing countries are subject to considerable risk and shocks, but most don’t have the ability to deal with them using formal mechanisms. We use five rounds of South African NIDS panel data and investigate the impact of shocks on the mental health of individuals. We find that experiencing idiosyncratic shocks, such as the death of a supportive family member and loss of assets, has significant negative impacts on mental health.
