Poverty and gender considerations in marine spatial planning

Submitted by Petra Hansson on


The report provides a framework for ensuring that marine spatial planning (MSP) does not worsen poverty and gender inequality in developing countries, and that potentially marginalised groups are appropriately considered and engaged in the MSP process.

This report provides guidelines for the steps of a more inclusive MSP process.

The findings indicate that a scorecard can be used to guide the social sustainability of the MSP process. The criteria in the scorecard include:

Gender, Policy Design, Water

Traditional crops and climate change adaptation: insights from the Andean agricultural sector

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

The growth of traditional crops could be a primary resource for adapting to climate change and strengthening agrosystems’ resilience. However, these crops tend to be replaced by non-traditional crops with higher productivity, higher market values, and higher short-term income. In this context, smallholders face trade-offs between maximizing short-term income and ensuring resilience to face likely future climate adversities. The economic assessment of such trade-offs has been commonly neglected in the literature.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Policy Design, Water