Hydro-economic modeling of the climate change and politics effects in Andean agriculture

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on
EfD Authors:

El cambio climático viene afectando de manera diferenciada a la agricultura, en particular, en la zona andina, dada su alta exposición, sensibilidad y baja capacidad adaptativa. Se evaluó la respuesta adaptativa de la agricultura andina frente a una variación de la disponibilidad hídrica debido al cambio climático en base al modelo hidro-económico que integra dos módulos: el modelamiento hidrológico en base al SWAT y un modelo económico de optimización en base al PMP.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Policy Design, Water

The economics impacts of long-run droughts: Challenges, gaps, and way forward

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

Quantifying drought's economic impacts has been key for decision-making to build future strategies and improve the development and implementation of proactive plans. However, climate change is changing drought frequency, intensity, and durability. These changes imply modifications of their economic impact, as longer droughts result in greater cumulative economic losses for water users.

Climate Change, Water

Applying the SES Framework to coral reef restoration projects on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica

Submitted by Marianela Arguello on
EfD Authors:

Introduction: Global and local stressors have led to rapid declines in coral reef health. The high rates of coral degradation have motivated restoration initiatives worldwide. Evaluation of these initiatives has provided valuable information regarding coral restoration techniques and limitations faced by projects. However, most of the literature is focused on evaluating metrics related to fragment survival rate and growth, leaving a gap in understanding how social aspects such as governance structure affect project outcomes

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Water