Toward a new Nile Waters Agreement

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Increasing world demands for water call for new institutions and rules to minimize economic and political conflicts. Growing water quality problems from industry and agriculture only further exacerbate supply problems. Such conflicts can jeopardize economic and, in some parts of the world, even social order.

Policy Design

Playing chicken on the Nile? The Implications of Microdam Development in the Ethiopian Highlands and Egypt’s New Valley Project

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How Egypt and Ethiopia will defend or promote their interests in the Nile basin has recently become clearer. Egypt will
again seek to create “facts on the ground,” this time a large new land reclamation and settlement scheme called the
New Valley Project. Ethiopia too will create facts by proceeding with water resources development in the Blue Nile
basin, including the construction of low-cost microdams. If Egypt and Ethiopia pursue these two unilateral initiatives, they

Policy Design

Water resources management in the Nile basin: the economic value of cooperation

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Since 1999 a multilateral effort termed the Nile Basin Initiative has been underway among the Nile riparians to explore opportunities for maximizing the benefits of the river's waters through cooperative development and management of the basin. However, to date there has been virtually no explicit discussion of the economic value of cooperative water resources development.

Policy Design

Implications of Ethiopian water development for Egypt and Sudan

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This paper examines the implications for Egypt and Sudan of the development of Blue Nile water resources by Ethiopia. The long-term development program produced between 1958 and 1963 by the Ethiopian government in collaboration with the US Bureau of Reclamation is summarized.

A linear programming model is used to examine the
effects on Egypt and Sudan of implementing this program. It is found
that water for agricultural use in Egypt and Sudan would actually
increase, though there would be some adverse consequences for Egypt.

Policy Design

Visions of Nile basin development

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This paper describes five alternative visions for cooperative Nile development in the hope that they will assist the Nile riparian countries in their search for both a consensus vision and sound development projects. These five alternate visions [(1) Century Storage Plus, (2) Water for Peace, (3) Southern Lights, (4) The Green Nile, and (5) Economic Partners on the Nile] are intentionally stylized to make them easy to understand and remember.

Policy Design

Incentive compatibility and conflict resolution in international river basins: A case study of the Nile Basin

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Nation-states rarely go to war over water, but it is equally rare that water conflicts in an international river basin are resolved through cooperation among the riparian countries that use the shared resources. Gains from cooperation will mean little to individual riparians unless the required cooperative behaviors are incentive compatible.

Policy Design

Indicators for an invasive species: Water Hyacinths in Lake Victoria

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The purpose of this paper is to create and discuss a measure of water hyacinth abundance in Lake Victoria. Water hyacinths have dramatic effects on other activities such as fisheries. However, understanding their spread and effects is hampered by the lack of reliable information.


Index number analysis of Namibian water intensity

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There has long been a great deal of interest in methods for analyzing energy use and energy use intensities. Many methods developed within energy studies are also applicable in other areas where materials use is of interest, but in several cases these methods have not been applied to other materials.


Coping with unreliable public water supplies: Averting expenditures by households in Kathmandu, Nepal

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This paper investigates two complementary pieces of data on households’ demand for improved water services, coping costs and willingness to pay (WTP), from a survey of 1500 randomly sampled households in Kathmandu, Nepal. We evaluate how coping costs and WTP vary across types of water users and income.

Policy Design

Challenges for water sector reform in transition economies

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This paper discusses the practical problems of implementing water policy and pricing reforms in
transition economies by looking at the case of Odessa, Ukraine. Chief among the policy advice for the
water and sanitation (W&S) sector in less developed countries is greater cost-sharing by customers through
increased service prices, with the goals of encouraging more efficient water use by users, promoting a
greater perceived stake among customers in the health of their W&S systems and enabling service providers

Policy Design