Transition Patterns of Fishermen and Land Farmers into Small-Scale Seaweed Aquaculture: The Role of Risk and Time Preferences

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

Seaweed harvest has denuded many areas of the sea floor, threatening marine ecosystems and the livelihood of coastal communities. Recently, small operators have begun to cultivate seaweed. This paper studies the role of fishing and agriculture, and their interactions with risk and time preferences, in the uptake of seaweed aquaculture. We use a Heckman selection model to study the decision to participate and expansion of production in seaweed aquaculture in Chile.

Fisheries, Policy Design

Financing a sustainable ocean economy

Submitted by Vicentia Quartey on
EfD Authors:

AbstractThe ocean, which regulates climate and supports vital ecosystem services, is crucial to our Earth system and livelihoods. Yet, it is threatened by anthropogenic pressures and climate change. A healthy ocean that supports a sustainable ocean economy requires adequate financing vehicles that generate, invest, align, and account for financial capital to achieve sustained ocean health and governance.

Conservation, Fisheries

Fisheries performance in Africa: An analysis based on data from 14 countries

Submitted by Vicentia Quartey on
EfD Authors:


  • Most African fisheries operate under governance systems with open access incentives.
  • African fisheries are scoring lower than the global averages in the three sustainability pillars.
  • The largest performance gaps between African fisheries