Ecological Restoration and Livelihood: Contribution of Planted Mangroves as Nursery and Habitat for Artisanal and Commercial Fishery

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Restoration of degraded and depleted mangrove habitats and planting of mangroves over coastal mudflats is happening at many places, but there are few studies that evaluate the flow of ecosystem services from these regenerated ecosystems. The state of Gujarat in Western India has planted thousands of hectares of mangroves over the coastal mudflats and, today, the state’s mangrove cover is nearly double that in the 1930s. However, these mangroves have limiting features: for example, these are mostly single-species, Avicenna marina, and are sparse, and lack freshwater supply.

Conservation, Fisheries, Forestry

Environment & Forests Book Chapter-India- Three Year Action Plan Agenda, 2017-18 to 2019-20

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

The Three Year Action Agenda, a NITI Aayog document, is based on extensive discussions with and inputs from the central ministries and State governments. The Governing Council of the NITI Aayog, consisting of the Prime Minister as its Chairperson and several Union Ministers and State Chief Ministers as Members, extensively deliberated on the document in its draft form at its meeting on 23rd April 2017. 

Conservation, Forestry, Policy Design

The role of institutions in community wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe

Submitted by Felicity Downes on
EfD Authors:

Institutions play a significant role in stabilising large-scale cooperation
in common pool resource management. Without restrictions to govern human
behaviour, most natural resources are vulnerable to overexploitation. This study
used a sample size of 336 households and community-level data from 30 communities
around Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe, to analyse the relationship
between institutions and biodiversity outcomes in community-based wildlife
conservation. Our results suggest a much stronger effect of institutions on biodiversity


In Search of Urban Recreational Ecosystem Services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

In sub-Saharan Africa, urban recreational ecosystem services are browning and disappearing despite the global recognition of their importance. We study the availability, preference, and determinants of visitations to urban recreational ecosystem services in Dar es Salaam. The results show that, amongst the functioning and publicly owned recreational ecosystem services, there are botanical gardens and other open green spaces with greenery (e.g., trees, grass, or gardens) and sometimes with basic facilities such as benches.

Conservation, Policy Design, Urban

Transferencias condicionadas y pagos por servicios ecosistémicos

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Los programas de transferencias condicionadas (PTC) para promover objetivos de salud y educación, así como los pagos por servicios ecosistémicos (PSE) en el caso de los objetivos ambientales, son dos instrumentos importantes de política pública. Ambos buscan alinear los intereses de la sociedad como un todo con los intereses de los individuos, familias y propietarios de la tierra.

Conservation, Policy Design

Carbon stocks, net cash flow and family benefits from four small coffee plantation types in Nicaragua

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

This study sought to identify agroforestry systems with coffee that simultaneously generate financial profits, provide goods for family consumption, and store significant amounts of carbon in aboveground biomass. We studied 27 coffee plantations in Nicaragua, grouped in four typologies defined a priori: C1, full-sun coffee; C2, coffee, bananas and service trees; C3, coffee, bananas, service and timber trees; C4, coffee, bananas, service, timber and fruit trees.

Agriculture, Conservation