Conservation Payments, Off-Farm Labor, and Ethnic Minorities: Participation and Impact of the Grain for Green Program in China

Submitted by Hang Yin on
EfD Authors:

The Grain for Green program in China, a nationwide cropland set-aside program aimed at soil erosion prevention and poverty alleviation, was begun in 1999 and quickly expanded to 25 provinces, covering 32 million households. Its effects on participating households are well studied, but the role of ethnic characteristics is less well investigated.

Agriculture, Conservation, Policy Design

Meta-analysis of livelihood impacts of payments for environmental services programmes in developing countries

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Payments for environmental services (PES) programmes have been widely promoted over the last few decades in many developing countries. Improving the livelihoods of environmental services (ES) suppliers is not only seen as a side benefit but is often considered a prerequisite for the viability of PES. Yet, the ability to draw ‘overview lessons’ over the impacts of PES on livelihoods from literature review studies remains limited.

Conservation, Policy Design

Construyendo acuerdos ambientales desde las asimetrías:¿Qué condiciones favorecen la formación de acuerdos?

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

El manejo de recursos naturales y los servicios ecosistémicos frecuentemente involucran agentes que son afectados asimétricamente por las decisiones que se toman. Por ejemplo, los usuarios de un sistema de riego que están en la parte alta pueden tener acceso a más agua que los usuarios que están en la parte baja, porque la ubicación les da una ventaja. Lo mismo puede pasar con recursos pesqueros que cruzan fronteras entre países, de manera que un país puede tener una ventaja en la pesca.

Conservation, Policy Design