The informal sawn wood value chains in Uganda: structure and actors

Submitted by Jane Anyango on
EfD Authors:

With increasing scarcity and spatial dispersion of tree resources, Uganda's forest sector – similarly to several other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa – has experienced a shift from the large-scale concessionary model historically used to access and harvest forests, to more
versatile models involving smaller-scale operators. The timber they produce is sold not only locally in producer countries but also across borders and beyond. Yet small-scale operators largely work outside established regulatory frameworks and as such remain invisible to national and international

Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Fisheries, Forestry

The implication of Covid-19 on Forest in Malawi

Submitted by Agha Inya on

The rate of deforestation and degradation of forests in Malawi has been remarkably high as a result of high dependency on forests for cooking fuel, expansion of agriculture and population growth. Similarly, forests in Malawi are a source of livelihood, as well as safety nets for rural communities in times of unanticipated scarcity of food or as gap fillers during regular seasonal shortfalls of food supply.
