Addressing plastic bags consumption crises through store monetary and non-monetary interventions in South Africa

Submitted by Michelle Blanc… on

This research analyses the impact of retailer interventions focusing on the promotion of reusable bags to reduce plastic bag consumption. For this purpose, retail outlet data for March 2018–February 2020 was used. The retail outlet data was analyzed using a panel fixed effects model to evaluate the impact of three treatments on plastic and reusable bag consumption in South Africa.

Policy Design, Urban, Waste

Environmental sustainability in South Africa: Understanding the criticality of economic policy uncertainty, fiscal decentralization, and green innovation

Submitted by Michelle Blanc… on
EfD Authors:

South Africa, like most developing nations, is confronted with choosing between the need to advance their economy and the need to protect the environment. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs-7, 11, 12 & 13) provide a strong foundation for this investigation. To this end, the current research investigates the combined impacts of economic policy uncertainty, fiscal decentralization, and green innovation on environmental sustainability for the instance of South Africa with yearly frequency data from 1960 to 2020.

Climate Change, Policy Design, Urban

Urban agriculture for an inclusive green economy model in Tanzania

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

According to the inclusive green economy (IGE) model, no one should be left out of the green economy revolution. To support an IGE approach, the Tanzanian government must develop policies to support urban agriculture ecosystems because, firstly, Tanzania is an agricultural country. Secondly, agriculture provides many benefits for households, such as boosting livelihoods and improving food security. Third, urban agriculture enhances urban biodiversity and produces ecosystem services needed for urban resilience to climate change and increases tree cover which absorbs greenhouse gases.

Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, Policy Design, Urban

We can incorporate agriculture ecosystems into urban green economy in Tanzania: Dar es Salaam households are willing to pay

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

We are living in a crisis era, with competing land use for finite land and ill-informed myopic urban land-use policies that remain stagnant, in a world with a rapidly changing urban environment, such as the mushrooming urban agriculture. While smallholder farms in and around cities, in sub-Saharan Africa, provide many ecosystem services including boosting household income and nutrition, and access to land constraints these benefits. This paper examines the willingness to pay for urban farm plots, using a random parameter logit model.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Land, Policy Design, Urban

Influences of various pricing points: an experimental study of plastic bags in Johannesburg, South Africa

Submitted by Michelle Blanc… on
EfD Authors:

Policymakers have little experience regarding designing the right levels of pricing for plastic bags. The ineffectiveness of charging for bags, in countries such as South Africa, makes it imperative that we map the demand curve. Getting the charge “right” depends on the size of the externality. Charging for bags is therefore an effective intervention to encourage consumers to carry their own bags to the stores. We employ a contingent behaviour (CB) dataset necessary to estimate the charge level that is likely to lead to a reduction in bag use over time.

Policy Design, Urban, Waste
Participants of the workshop in Catillo Hot Springs (Parral)

EfD Chile researchers discussed local environmental policy with politicians and other stakeholders

The Eigth Annual Meeting on Environmental Economics was marked by face-to-face attendance and included the participation of representatives from the academic, political, business, and civil society…