The Handbook of Economic Development and Institutions

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on

The book discusses the foundations of economics development and institutions. The chapters touch on several issues such as  :  

1) Institutions,Clientalism and Inequality

2) Institutions and Growth 

3) Trade, Aid and Migration

4)Families,Gender and Culture 

5) Sectoral Approaches


EfD India contribtuion : Book Chapters by Rohini Somanathan (Part 1 chapter 4) and E. Somanathan (Part 5, Chapter 20) 

Policy Design, Urban

Explaining the contractualisation of India’s workforce

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on

The employment structure of India’s organised manufacturing sector has undergone substantial changes over the last decade with a steep rise in the use of contract workers in place of directly hired workers. Much of the existing literature has attributed the widespread use of contract labour to India’s rigid employment protection legislation.

Policy Design, Urban

What’s in a definition? A study on the suitability of the current urban definition in India through its employment guarantee programme

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

Inaccurate definitions of urban areas in developing countries could have detrimental consequences for public service provision and construction of development indicators. We explore the suitability of the officially used administrative definition of urban and rural in India through a study of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), a demand-driven scheme targeted to rural areas. Applying three alternative definitions we find that India is more urban than recognised by the administrative definition.


Recursos no renovables, diversificación y actividad económica en los departamentos de Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

En este artículo se discute qué tan deseable es la diversificación económica para el desempeño económico de los departamentos de Colombia en el periodo 1985-2013. En cuanto a la teoría económica se refiere, la causalidad entre estas dos variables es ambigua. Para ayudar a entender esta causalidad, los datos disponibles se analizan a la luz de dos corrientes teóricas: estructuralismo y el enfoque neoclásico.

Policy Design

Smallholder rice farmers’ post-harvest decisions: preferences and structural factors

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

We study post-harvest decisions among Tanzanian rice farmers. Risk and time preference experiments are used to understand post-harvest decisions. In particular, we investigate storage and processing decisions, which according to our study can increase income by more than 50 per cent, but also introduce risk and time delays. Experimentally elicited risk and time preferences are statistically significant in explaining these post-harvest decisions. Impatient farmers are less likely to store paddy, and risk-averse farmers are less likely both to process and store paddy for future sales.

Agriculture, Experiments