EfD-Mak Policy Brief on Governance of Natural Resources Utilisation In Uganda

Submitted by Jane Anyango on


Sustainable and efficient governance and utilization of natural resources requires:

1. Transparency, accountability, rule of law, inclusive participation and cooperation of all stakeholders and actors in natural resources. 2. Balancing economic, social and environmental goals in all government programs and plans including private investments.

Agriculture, Energy, Fisheries, Forestry, Land, Water

Do voluntary environmental management systems improve Environmental performance? Evidence from waste management by Kenyan firms.

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:

We examine whether the adoption of global voluntary environmental management systems - United Nations Global Compact and ISO 14001 - lead to more effective environmental performance. Previous studies have presented inconclusive findings of voluntary environmental management systems on environmental performances. Possible reasons for conflicting results are the influence of observable and unobservable factors that affect environmental performance as well as the use of different measures of environmental performance indicators.


Valuing water purification services of forests in China's Sichuan province

Submitted by Petra Hansson on
EfD Authors:

It is widely believed that forests help improve water quality by reducing soil erosion (and hence reducing silt) as well as filtering out nutrients and pollutants carried in water, which allows the municipal drinking water supply sector to simplify or expedite many costly water treatment procedures and thereby save on operating costs. This study statistically quantifies such cost savings in the contexts of China’s Sichuan province, by analyzing how drinking water treatment costs change in response to changes in upstream forest cover.

Forestry, Policy Design, Water

Value of cleaner neighborhoods: Application of hedonic price model in low income context

Submitted by Vidisha Chowdhury on
EfD Authors:

Municipal solid waste management is a challenging issue in developing countries. An unclean neighborhood could have a significant negative impact on housing property values too as it may lead to numerous diseases in addition to diminished aesthetic value. This study examines the effects of municipal solid waste collection services at the neighborhood level on housing property values using the hedonic price model. We use a sub-sample of nationally representative household survey data from urban areas as well as primary data collected from one of the metropolitan cities in Nepal.

Urban, Waste

Distributional Statistics of Municipal Water Use During Cape Town’s Drought: Implications for Affordability, Conservation and Tariff Design 20-23

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

We calculate the first distributional statistics for municipal water supply deliveries using 14.9 million monthly billing records for a half-million households in Cape Town, South Africa, from 2014-2018. These years span a historic drought and a multi-faceted package of conservation programs that achieved a 50% city-wide drop in consumption. We find that the top 10% of households consumed 31% of water deliveries before the drought, with the Gini coefficient

Conservation, Water

Watering Down Environmental Regulation in China

Submitted by Hang Yin on
EfD Authors:

This paper estimates the effect of environmental regulation on firm productivity using a spatial regression discontinuity design implicit in China’s water quality monitoring system. Because water quality readings are important for political evaluations, and the monitoring stations only capture emissions from their upstream regions, local government officials are incentivized to enforce tighter environmental standards on firms immediately upstream of a monitoring station, rather  than  those  immediately  downstream.

Policy Design, Water