Households’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Solid Waste Collection Services in Kampala City, Uganda

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This study identifies the determinants of households’ willingness to pay for an improvement in solid waste-collection services based on 381 households in Kampala.


Reducing poverty in sub- Saharan Africa through investments in water and other priorities

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EfD Authors:

Water resources are essential to human development processes and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals that seek, inter alia, to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal literacy, and ensure environmental sustainability.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Values of Water inflows into selected South African Estuaries: The Heuningnes, Kleinmond, Klein, Palmiet, Cefane, Kwelera and Haga-Haga.

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EfD Authors:

This book provides economic guidance on the matter through valuable comparisons of different estuaries.

Given the overwhelming evidence available on the significance of freshwater inflow to estuary functionality in South Africa, it is clear that an important component of catchment management is the allocation of river water into estuaries.


Policy Design

Estimation of the Water Quality Amelioration Value of Wetlands:A Case Study of the Western Cape, South Africa

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Wetlands are commonly understood to have the capacity to reduce the loads of excess nutrients, pathogens, sediments, and other contaminants generated by various activities in their catchment areas. However, quantifying these “services” is difficult and most research in this field has concentrated on artificial treatment wetlands. Understanding the value of their water treatment characteristics, as well as the other services they provide, is increasingly recognized as essential to achieving a balance between conservation and activities that degrade or replace wetlands.

Policy Design

Willingness to Pay for a Garbage Collection Service at University of Dar es Salaam residential area

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EfD Authors:

Willingness to pay for garbage collection services for University of Dar es salaam residential areas has been assessed in this study using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM).
