Las Escuelas de Campo del MAP: diálogo de saberes hacia el empoderamiento de las familias rurales

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Las ECAS contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias productoras rurales a través de la capacitación vivencial, la educación de adultos y el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Así se promueve la
experimentación y observación, el análisis grupal de resultados y la toma de decisiones.


Social capital, cooperative behavior and norm-enforcement

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Studies have shown differences in cooperative behavior across countries and in the use of (and reaction to) a norm enforcement mechanism in cross-cultural studies.

The authors present data that prove that stark differences in both dimensions can exist even within the same town. They created a unique data set, based on one-shot public goods experiments in South Africa. Most of the group differences can be explained by variables for social capital and social environment, such as trust or household violence.


Treatment effects of Climate Change risk on mitigation and adaptation behaviour in an experimental setting

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The authors studied the potential tradeoff between countries’ investments in mitigation versus adaptation to climate change. Mitigating greenhouse gases may be a public good, but adaptation to climate change is a private good, benefiting only the country or individual.

Experiments, Climate Change

Climate Change in a Public Goods Game: Investment Decision in Mitigation versus Adaptation

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The authors studied the potential tradeoff between countries’ investments in mitigation versus adaptation to climate change. Mitigating greenhouse gases may be a public good, but adaptation to climate change is a private good, benefiting only the country or individual.

Experiments, Climate Change

Social Background, Cooperative Behavior, and Norm Enforcement

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Studies have shown differences in cooperative behavior across countries and in the use of (and reaction to) a norm enforcement mechanism in cross-cultural studies.


The authors present data that prove that stark differences in both dimensions can exist even within the same town. They created a unique data set, based on one-shot public goods experiments in South Africa. Most of the group differences can be explained by variables for social capital and social environment, such as trust or household violence.


Social Capital and Its Impacts on Natural Resources Management

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This paper focuses on the concept of social capital and its impacts on natural resources management. The paper contributes to the continuing debate over the multifaceted concept of social capital, and its three dimensions including network, trust and norm. Then it analyzes impacts of social capital on natural resources management based on the three dimensions.

Does Ethnicity matter for Trust? Evidence from Africa

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This paper proposes that ethnicity coupled with ethnic nepotism may reduce interpersonal generalised trust.

We use the 2001 wave of the World Values Survey data for eight African countries to test this claim, and show that while ethnicity and ethnic nepotism are each important in affecting generalised trust levels, their interaction has a self-reinforcing and negative effect on trust levels. The results underscore the importance of institutions in controlling ethnic nepotism and thus partly in mitigating the adverse effects of ethnicity on trust.


Social Capital and Institutions in Rural Kenya: Is Machakos Unique

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The revitalization of Machakos, Kenya, from overpopulation and resource degradation—seemingly by its population growth—has added another round to the Boserupian vs. Malthusian debate, and may make Machakos unique.


This study investigated Machakos’ improvement by looking at the role of social capital with principal component analysis and found significant differences between Machakos and two other Kenyan regions, particularly in the formation of associations.

Agriculture, Experiments