Monitoring and Enforcement: Is Two-Tier Regulation Robust? – A case study of Ankleshwar, India

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The regulation of industrial pollution is difficult in a rapidly industrialising, low-income setting. This study looks at the efforts to regulate chemical plants in Ankleshwar, the largest chemical estate in Asia.


Climate Change

Welfare Implication of Community Forest Plantations in Developing Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Project

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Community forest plantations are a common intervention in developing countries. We use household and remote sensing data from Orissa, India, to estimate welfare effects of community forest plantations, in terms of the value of decreased collection times plantations afford users.



Towards an integrated sustainable management of fisheries

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This article discusses the underlying causes for the problem of managing fish stocks and the
aim of fisheries management.It reviews some of the research development in the area and practical experiences. Further, it deals with the future challenges and discusses potential successful strategies and outlines the necessary conditions for actual progress from the current state.


Bioeconomic Analysis and Management: The Case of Fisheries

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This article discusses bioeconomic analysis and different management strategies in fisheries. It reviews recent developments, which show the need to expand the analysis to multispecies fisheries and management.
