Welfare Implication of Community Forest Plantations in Developing Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Project

Peer Reviewed
31 October 2005

Gunnar Köhlin, Gregory S. Amacher

Community forest plantations are a common intervention in developing countries. We use household and remote sensing data from Orissa, India, to estimate welfare effects of community forest plantations, in terms of the value of decreased collection times plantations afford users.


Community forest plantations are a common intervention in developing countries. We use household and remote sensing data from Orissa, India, to estimate welfare effects of community forest plantations, in terms of the value of decreased collection times plantations afford users. A selection model, accounting for possible jointness in site location and productivity, is used to estimate collection production functions for different household labor categories in natural and community forests. Two measures of an opportunity cost of time are used to determine welfare effects of time saved due to community forests. We find access to community forests is important to marginal productivity of different labor categories, but to different degrees, highlighting the need to disaggregate household data when analyzing these interventions.We also find substantial welfare improvements from time savings for many households and villages.


Gregory S. Amacher


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Sustainable Development Goals
Publication reference
Köhlin, G., & Amacher, G. S. (2005). Welfare Implications of Community Forest Plantations in Developing Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Project. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(4), 855–869. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8276.2005.00774.x
Publication | 1 November 2005