A Multimarket Approach for Estimating a New Keynesian Phillips Curve

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We propose a new approach for estimating a “hybrid” New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) that includes demand pressures coming from disequilibrium relations in three different markets: (1) monetary and financial, (2) international, and (3) labour. Econometric tests indicate that this specification is superior to the traditional NKPC, which includes a single variable to account for demand pressures.

Policy Design

Robust placement of sensors in dynamic water distribution systems

Submitted by admin on

Designing a robust sensor network to detect accidental contaminants in water distribution systems is a challenge given the uncertain nature of the contamination events (what, how much, when, where and for how long) and the dynamic nature of water distribution systems (driven by the random consumption of consumers).

Energy, Policy Design

Forest Market Model for China—— based on results of model simulation and projection

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

As China quickly becomes the world largest market and supplier of forest products over the past decade, her domestic policy change and ensuing supply trends becomes interesting to many. As being increasingly recognized, changes of China’s domestic policy and wood supply have had drastic impacts on world market and global forest resources. Despite the significance of the issue, understanding of China’s unique policy framework, institutional foundation and future supply trends in forest products remains limited.

Forestry, Policy Design

The HIPC initiative and free trade in tobacco – a comparison of effects on the Malawi economy using a CGE model

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The Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative is intended to improve the situation of the poorest developing countries by reducing their debt burden and by permitting increased spending on education and health services. However, at the same time the developed countries funding the HIPC initiative retain agricultural policies that hinder exports form the developing countries in those sectors where they have comparative advantages.



CASE STUDY 2: Zimbabwe: Economy-Wide Policies And Deforestation: Applied General Equilibrium Modelling

Submitted by admin on

This chapter of the book uses a computable general equilibrium (CGE)
approach to capture the different interactions and their influence on the consequent impact of policy reforms on the economy and deforestation in Namibia.
