Does money talk? — The effect of a monetary attribute on the marginal values in a choice experiment

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

When designing choice experiments for nonmarket valuation the role of the price attribute is of major importance. In the energy sector the uncertainty of future direction of changes in prices makes it difficult to include an adequate price vector in the design.


EfD Annual Reports 2013/14

Submitted by Po-Ts'an Goh on

The joint EfD Report 2013/14 showcases the work undertaken by the Environment for Development Initiative. 

Please access the report to find out more about our research projects, policy interaction, academic capacity building and publications.

For more detailed information on each centre, please open or download the individual reports of the six original EfD centres, Central America, China, ​Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania, on the side bar.

Promoting Second Generation Biofuels: Does the First Generation Pave the Road?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The U.S., Brazil and a number of European and other countries worldwide have introduced various support schemes for bioethanol and biodiesel. The advantage of these biofuels is that they are relatively easily integrated with the current fossil fuel-based transport sector, at least up to a certain point.


Application of air quality combination forecasting to Bogota

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The bulk of existing work on the statistical forecasting of air quality is based on either neural networks or linear regressions, which are both subject to important drawbacks.

Climate Change, Air Quality

Crop Insurance as a Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Financial insurance for extreme events can play an important role in hedging against the implications of climate change. This paper combines a comprehensive estimation strategy and a unique panel dataset to study the role of financial insurance in farmers' welfare under uncertainty.

Agriculture, Climate Change

EfD organized PhD level course in Addis Ababa

The EfD organized and offered another round of PhD-level Panel Data Econometrics course at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia in April-May 2014. The course was taught by EfD Research Coordinator Yonas…

| Sweden

EfD researchers interviewed in the GU Journal

The most recent issue of the GU Journal, a magazine for employees of the University of Gothenburg, includes interviews with EfD fellows Elizabeth Robinson, Thomas Sterner, and Olof Johansson Stenman…

| Sweden

Payment Types and Participation in Payment for Ecosystem Services Programs: Stated Preferences of Landowners

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

Because the effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs depends on landowners’ engagement, understanding the relationship between the type of payment and participation is a key issue. This paper reports on a choice experiment that quantifies landowners’ preferences for cash and educational in-kind payment. The main results indicate a positive correlation between participation in a PES contract and the magnitude of the cash payment, while participation seems uncorrelated with the magnitude of the educational in-kind payment.
