Displaying 2971 - 2980 of 3643 publications

The authors surveyed firms participating in emissions trading programs in Santiago, Chile, to explore further whether tradable permits are appropriate for transition and developing economies. Their…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Sweden

The authors studied the potential tradeoff between countries’ investments in mitigation versus adaptation to climate change. Mitigating greenhouse gases may be a public good, but adaptation to climate…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, South Africa

Although fuel taxes are a practical means of curbing vehicular air pollution, congestion, and accidents in developing countries—all of which are typically major problems—they are often opposed on…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America

The authors analyze how price-based and quantity-based emissions regulations affect compliance incentives and social welfare with incomplete enforcement and technology adoption. If the policy level is…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Sweden

Knowing the local opportunity costs of restricting access to forest land and resources for conservation purposes is an important input to the design of cost-effective conservation schemes that…

| Policy Brief | Kenya

Poor Kenyan farmers in rain-fed, risky environments are reluctant to adopt new technologies with potential production gain because of enormous downside risks. The authors looked at the effects of…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya

Studies have shown differences in cooperative behavior across countries and in the use of (and reaction to) a norm enforcement mechanism in cross-cultural studies. The authors present data that prove…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, South Africa

Many resource users are not involved in formulating and enforcement of resource management regulations in developing countries and do not generally accept such rules. Enforcement officers who have…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Tanzania

Many resource users are not involved in formulating and enforcement of resource management regulations in developing countries and do not generally accept such rules. Enforcement officers who have…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Tanzania

Risk implications of farm technology adoption vary by technology type. If properly implemented, the safety net program and the weather insurance programs currently piloted in some parts of Ethiopia…

| Policy Brief | Kenya, Global Hub