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Displaying 1051 - 1060 of 1098 publications

A new EfD/RFF Book titled "Land Reforms in Asia and Africa - Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management" is planned for 2012. Editors are Professors Stein Holden and Keijiro Otsuka. The…

| EfD/RFF Book | China, Sweden, Ethiopia, South Africa

This report documents recent policy innovations for the conservation and management of ecosystem services in China. Policymakers have become increasingly interested in developing new approaches to…

| Report | China

En Costa Rica los parques nacionales generan bienestar a las comunidades vecinas El número y la superficie total de las áreas protegidas en el mundo han tenido un crecimiento continuo en las décadas…

| Policy Brief | Central America

Las organizaciones comunales de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento en Costa Rica Las organizaciones comunales de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento (ASADAS) surten de agua a gran parte de la…

| Policy Brief | Central America

La efectividad de una política de descentralización depende de muchos factores y no puede ser concebida como una panacea para solventar los problemas de provisión de agua potable en todos los…

| Policy Brief | Central America

Ecological adaptations allow dryland plants and animals to reproduce, grow and survive in extreme conditions. Simply dryland systems are ecologically resilient and cannot be dismissed as wastelands It…

| Policy Brief | Kenya

The general objective of the thesis is to analyze the political economy of the regulation of Costa Rica’s transport sector and identify the main opportunities and challenges in designing a more…

| Thesis MSC | Central America

Perhaps current prices of fossil fuels are the reflection of the hurricane's eye passing through the global markets. Before exorbitant oil prices again steal all the attention, it is important to…

| Other Publications | Central America

Policy makers in developing countries need to balance an array of distributional, political, fiscal and environmental goals in deciding whether to raise fuel taxes. Our analysis demonstrates that…

| Policy Brief | Central America

For Costa Rica’s parks and reserves, a threatened location is the key to effectively avoiding deforestation Billions of dollars are spent every year on over 100,000 protected areas around the world…

| Policy Brief | Central America