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Displaying 31 - 40 of 352 publications

Abstract In this paper, we investigate the impact of electricity on household food consumption and the nutritional status of children under the age of five, with attention to female-headed households…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

Abstract We present incentivised panel data measuring risk preferences of subsistence farmers from across Ethiopia and pair them with rainfall data. We use these data to test the hypothesis that risk…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Abstract The Desa'a forest in Tigray is a national forest priority area managed by the government. Government authorities grant access to local communities as the forest is the source of income for…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

We investigate the role of the productive safety net program (PSNP) and its modes of benefit transfer in vulnerability to nutritional outcomes in rural households of Ethiopia. We model a panel...

| Other Publications | Ethiopia

Does access to electricity promote business creation over the short term and long term? Does the effect differ with grid and off-grid electricity access? We provide insights from the Electricity...

| Research Brief | Ethiopia

Does access to electricity promote business creation over the short term and long term? Does the effect differ with grid and off-grid electricity access? We provide insights from the Electricity...

| Policy Brief | Ethiopia

Lessons learned from a joint cross-country workshop in the East Africa Region

| Report | Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Global Hub

Access to grid electricity helps rural households start non-agricultural businesses.

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

Abstract A number of wetland ecosystem-services valuation studies around the world have been carried out, however, most of these studies have focused on wetlands in developed countries and few have…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia