Displaying 3531 - 3540 of 3743 publications

REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) is a form of payment for ecosystem services (a voluntary transaction in which a buyer makes a payment to a seller conditional on the…

| Research Brief | Tanzania

The main objective of the study was to assess the economic value of Zambia’s forest ecosystem services. The study estimates that, when ecosystem services provided by forests are accounted for, forests…

| Report | South Africa

The PhD program Global Change and Climate Economics (formerly environmental and climate economics) started in a modest way already in 1991. Since then Sida has supported 30 PhD’s from start to…

| Report | Sweden

In this paper we analyze the effects of environmental policies on the size distribution of firms. We model a stationary industry where the observed size distribution is a solution to the profit…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

We introduce a model of strategic environmental policy where two firms compete á la Cournot in a third market under the presence of multiple pollutants. Two types of pollutants are introduced, a local…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

This paper explores the socio-ecological effects of increased aquaculture/farmed fish production, around the island group of Frøya in Trøndelag, Norway, as a result of new licenses accorded to the…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Using cross sectional data obtained from the first wave of the National Panel Survey Data; this study attempts to examine empirically two issues; first the influence of land tenure reforms on…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania

The study establishes the extent to which climate change has occurred in Uganda, analyses choices of adaptation strategies to climate change induced shocks and factors determining the choices made at…

| Thesis PHD | Tanzania

Majority of the households living adjacent to the forest depend primarily on agriculture and secondarily on forest resources. For these households, agriculture plays a key role, for subsistence needs…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania

Read Francisco Alpizar opinion article (Valoración económica de daños ambientales ) in "La Nación " (October 9 th), related to economic valuation of environmental damage (Spanish only). El 17 de…

| Other Publications | Central America and Mexico