The PhD program Global Change and Climate Economics (formerly environmental and climate economics) started in a modest way already in 1991. Since then Sida has supported 30 PhD’s from start to completion of a successful defense and more than 270 students have participated in one or many of our specialization courses. The program constantly evolves and improves based on the experiences of its students, faculty and administrative staff.
During 2014, a total of 13 Sida-funded PhD students were enrolled in the program, one of which was financed by the bilateral program with Tanzania. The synergies with the EfD centers are also very strong, since 10 of them come from “EfD-countries”. As can be seen in the report, the students are progressing well. Actually, an exceptional ten peer reviewed papers were published by the PhD students during the year!
The spring of 2014 was also a very intensive semester since the program gave not less than four specialization courses, viz. (i) The Climate Challenge: Science, economics, and global energy perspectives (with Chalmers), (ii) Modeling natural resources in the context of climate change (with the Beijer Institute), (iii) The design of environmental policy instruments (including negotiations); (iv) Development economics. Seventeen students from different developing countries participated in two or more courses. In the courses there was a mix of PhD candidates from Sweden and neighboring countries but also Sida-funded participants directly from our countries of cooperation. Read more about the courses, the participants and course evaluations in this report.