Displaying 301 - 310 of 408 publications

This article shows that fuel taxes serve a very important role for the environment and that we risk a backlash of increased emissions if they are abolished. Fuel taxes have restrained growth in fuel…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The purpose of this paper is to create and discuss a measure of water hyacinth abundance in Lake Victoria. Water hyacinths have dramatic effects on other activities such as fisheries. However…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

We aim to study whether lax environmental regulations induce comparative advantages, causing the least-regulated countries to specialize in polluting industries. The study is based on Trefler and Zhu…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden

Diversity is often associated with resilience but in this model, unobserved genetic or behavioral diversity can explain the collapse of supposedly regulated fish stocks such as cod. Recent studies…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The European Union has been relatively cautious about using biotechnology in food production. A label regime combined with the right of individual member states to ban introduction of new genetically…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Using an experimental approach, we investigate the risk preferences of artisanal fishermen in Tanzania waters of Lake Victoria. The experiment concerns pairwise comparisons of hypothetical fishing…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Tanzania

Using a contingent valuation survey, we elicit Swedish households' willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid power outages. In the study respondents are asked to state their WTP for avoiding nine different…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The paper analyzes the adoption of various environmental management systems (EMS) by industrial firms in Central and Eastern Europe approximately eight years after economic transitions began. Of…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

If local communities living adjacent to the elephant see it as a burden, then they cannot be trusted to be its stewards. To assess their valuation of it, a CVM study was conducted for one CAMPFIRE…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa, Sweden, Global Hub

Namibia’s main linefish species, the kob, is subject to age-specific fishing mortalities that differ for the two fisheries (commercial linefishing vessels and recreational anglers) exploiting it. The…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden