Institutional settings and livelihood strategies in the Blue Nile Basin: implications for upstream/downstream linkages

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Through rapid assessment of existing literature and review of policy and other official documents, the report synthesizes the existing knowledge and gaps on policies and institutions and identifies key research issues that need in-depth study.


Child Malnutrition in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

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EfD Authors:

The objective of this study was to estimate levels of and identify factors contributing to child malnutrition in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. A cross sectional survey was used in rural communities of four zones of Tigray.

Objective: Estimate levels of and identify factors contributing to child malnutrition in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.

Design: Cross-sectional survey.

Setting: Rural communities from four zones of Tigray.


The Quality of Life in Urban Neighborhoods in Costa Rica

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This paper considers valuation of amenities in urban neighborhoods and satisfaction with those neighborhoods and life in general. First, rents are used to estimate the price of neighborhood amenities in San Jose, which explains 39% of the standardized variation of rents. Some districts rank very high in housing characteristics but poorly in neighborhood amenities, while others rank poorly in housing characteristics but high in neighborhood amenities, suggesting that indirect policy measures might reduce inequality in urban areas by improving neighborhood amenities.

Policy Design, Urban

The interface between policy reforms, household livelihoods and farm-nonfarm linkages: insights from a village economy in rural Ethiopia

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EfD Authors:

After two decades of agricultural-led development strategies since the early 1990s, economic growth has been erratic, land degradation has worsened, and the country has failed to enjoy significant drop in the number of food insecure population.

Agriculture, Experiments, Policy Design