Biosecurity Versus Profits: A Multiobjective Model for the Aquaculture Industry

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

In this study, we measure the value of sanitary restrictions in terms of forgone profits. For this, we model the short-run trade-off between biosecurity and profits in the aquaculture industry.


The Role of Information in Changing Tourist Behavioral Preferences at the Humboldt Penguin Reserve in Northern Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

With considerable focus on ecotourism's potential to contribute to conservation, it is increasingly important to understand the implications of ecological information in triggering sustainability-relevant attitudes and actions. This study assesses whether people who have ecological information regarding the negative impact of their recreational behavior on penguins’ stress will choose to remain farther away from the penguins to avoid that impact although this option will reduce the personal benefits of their tourism experience.


Factors Determining the Spatial Distribution of Shore Anglers in South Africa

Submitted by Felicity Downes on

Inshore line fish stocks are severely depleted in South Africa. Although management efforts have addressed pressures from the commercial and subsistence sectors, management of the recreational sector still needs to be addressed. Evidence suggests that spatial management measures would be more successful than traditional size and bag limits. In order to inform a spatial approach, this study investigated the determinants of temporal and spatial variability in angler distribution around the coast.

Fisheries, Climate Change