Quasi-experimental evidence on the political impacts of education in Vietnam

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

This paper estimates the causal effects of education on political concern and political participation in Vietnam by employing the 1991 compulsory schooling reform to instrument for plausibly exogenous changes in education. The paper finds that, in general, education does cause favorable impacts on political outcomes. In particular, one more year of schooling, on average, results in increases in the probabilities of political concern and political participation by about 6–12 percentage points and 6–8 percentage points, respectively.

Policy Design

Middlemen: good for resources and fishermen?

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

This paper studies the role of middlemen in open-access fisheries and how the organization of the supply chains affects resource exploitation and the level and distribution of economic rent. Imperfect competition among middlemen can help ensure that fish stocks are not depleted, which is typically the case in open-access fisheries with competitive markets. Middlemen with market power can also induce higher economic rent for the supply chain in total, but these rents mainly benefit the middlemen.

Fisheries, Policy Design

“The winner takes it all” or a story of the optimal allocation of the European Cohesion Fund

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

This paper aims to determine an optimal allocation of the European Cohesion Fund (ECF) and compares it with the observed allocation. This optimal allocation is the solution of a donor optimization problem which maximizes recipient countries' GDP per capita to achieve economic convergence in the European Union.

Policy Design

Government expenditure, external and domestic public debt, and economic growth

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

This paper analyzes the relationship between government expenditure, tax on returns to assets, public debt, and growth in an endogenous growth model. Public debt is composed of two components, domestic debt and external debt. We show conditions for existence, uniqueness, and multiplicity of the steady states. More precisely, existence of steady state requires a sufficiently high productivity and a sufficiently low tax on returns to assets. We also provide the effects of an increase in the tax rate on returns to assets on the steady state.

Policy Design

Environmental Incentives Over Time: From the First Forms of Regulation to the Recognition of Cognitive Biases

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

The impact of economic activity on the environment is considered an external effect when it is not taken into account in the decision‐making process of economic agents. This chapter introduces the general functioning of traditional forms of environmental regulation with examples of application.

Policy Design

The Handbook of Economic Development and Institutions

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on

The book discusses the foundations of economics development and institutions. The chapters touch on several issues such as  :  

1) Institutions,Clientalism and Inequality

2) Institutions and Growth 

3) Trade, Aid and Migration

4)Families,Gender and Culture 

5) Sectoral Approaches


EfD India contribtuion : Book Chapters by Rohini Somanathan (Part 1 chapter 4) and E. Somanathan (Part 5, Chapter 20) 

Policy Design, Urban

Explaining the contractualisation of India’s workforce

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on

The employment structure of India’s organised manufacturing sector has undergone substantial changes over the last decade with a steep rise in the use of contract workers in place of directly hired workers. Much of the existing literature has attributed the widespread use of contract labour to India’s rigid employment protection legislation.

Policy Design, Urban

Socioeconomic inequality in life expectancy in India

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

Introduction : Concern for health inequalities is an important driver of health policy in India; however, much of the empirical evidence regarding health inequalities in the country is piecemeal focusing only on specific diseases or on access to particular treatments. This study estimates inequalities in health across the whole life course for the entire Indian population.

Policy Design, Urban