Land Tenure Security and Internal Migration in Tanzania

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

In this paper we study the impact of tenure security on rural to urban migration of household members over the age of 15. Using three waves of the Tanzanian National Panel Survey (NPS) data, we show that tenure security is associated with lower probability of migration in rural Tanzania. This result is consistent with the idea that better property rights over agricultural land in rural Tanzania, by easing the fear of expropriation of land holdings, can induce households to retain more of their members. The result is found to be robust to different specifications and estimation techniques.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Fast-tracking Industrialization in Tanzania: The ‘Must-do’ Actions

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

The motivation for movement struggle to end colonialism in Tanzania was to put in our own hands the development destiny of the country.  The development destiny of Tanzania will be in our control through industrialization.  This book is an attempt by many Tanzanian scholars and development practitioners to provide policy options on tracking industrialization and ultimately achieve the goals of Tanzania’s Development Vision (TDV) 2025.  The TDV 2025 aspires a nation that is characterized by high quality and sustainable livelihoods; peace, stability and unity; good governance a

Policy Design

Agriculture for Effective Industrialization and Poverty Reduction

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

The context of Tanzania is such that there is close link between achieving industrialization and achieving agricultural transformation. Increased growth in agricultural productivity, output and income contributes to a rapid reduction in rural poverty, supplies raw materials to industries and makes agriculture a market for industrial outputs. Policies that fail to take into account this nexus are bound to have little if any, impact in the overall national development.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Benefits of Industrialization

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

Industrialization entails structural transformation of a traditional economy dominated by primary activities into a modern economy where high-productivity activities in manufacturing assume an important role. Invariably this process remains a defining feature of economic development. This definition suggests that economic growth and development requires shifting production factors from low-productivity to high- productivity activities that allow for learning, externalities and higher profits and wages. But this process is not spontaneous or automatic.

Policy Design

Scaling Up Private Sector Participation and Use of Market-Based Approaches for Environmental Management

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

The Environment Operational Directions 2013–2020 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) identified strengthening environmental governance in developing member countries (DMCs) as a priority area. Studies showed that policy and regulatory frameworks needed to be more effectively aligned to promote greater resource efficiency, abate pollution, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Estimates showed that public sector and international development assistance would not be sufficient to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the private sector needs to contribute additional resources.

Policy Design

Towards a Digital Industrial Policy for South Africa: A Review of the Issues

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

The world economy is undergoing a period of structural and technological transformation, sometimes described as the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. At the centre of this is the digitalisation of economic activity, which is being experienced differentially across the globe.

Policy Design

The role of regional value chains in fostering regional integration in Southern Africa

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

Regional integration is making steady progress in Africa and a key objective is to improve the prospects for industrialisation by expanding the regional market. The paper draws on a combination of trade data analysis and industry case studies to better understand the links and synergies between regional value chains and regional integration. The trade data and case studies of two diverse sectors (garments and food retailing) demonstrate the expansion and diversity of regional trade and regional value chains in Southern Africa.

Policy Design

Agro-processing, value chains, and regional integration in Southern Africa

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

Regional integration in Africa is underway but ongoing progress requires that the gains are widely spread. South Africa’s huge regional trade surplus in manufactured goods is already leading to protectionist pressures in neighbouring countries.

Agro-processing is a large sector, which is widely regarded as having significant potential, but the export performance of the region has been quite poor if South Africa is excluded.

Policy Design