Kulindwa, Yusuph J.
Yusuph John Kulindwa is a senior lecturer of economics at the Department of Economics and statistics, Moshi Cooperative University. He obtained his PhD in Economics a collaborative PhD program between the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden. He also studied PhD courses in Climate Modelling and Energy systems, Natural Resource Economics, Policy Instrument Design and Development Microeconomics at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden in 2013/2104
His research interest focuses on experimental economic, Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, and Behavioural Economics. His current research projects are on improve cooking stoves deployment-the importance of interaction between technology, performance, and benefits; energy efficiency with particular on biogas technology use and adoption of improved cooking stoves in developing countries.
Expertise and research areas of interest:
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- Energy economics
- Behavioural Economics
- Health economics