Sanctioned Quotas vs. Information Provisioning for Community Wildlife Conservation in Zimbabwe: A Framed Field Experiment Approach

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on

We investigate the behavioural responses of resource users to policy interventions like sanctioned quotas and information provisioning. We do so in a context when multiple resources (pastures and wild animal stocks) are connected and could substantially and drastically deteriorate as a result of management. We perform an experimental study among communities that are managing common pool wildlife in Zimbabwe.


Reconciling the Willingness to Pay and Conservation Cost for Sustainable Watershed Management in Tanzania

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

Effective sustainable natural resource management asks for an integrated approach to allow the involvement of actors in the management process. This paper intends to measure willingness to pay (WTP) and its determinants for watershed conservation, and then link it to the calculated costs of conservation.

A cross-sectional data from 200 households residing in Igunga town are analysed using the probit model. The key findings show that, on average, households are willing to pay TZS4,920 per month, which approximately equals TZS260m per year, for the entire number of

Conservation, Forestry, Policy Design, Water

Accounting for land cover changes and degradation in the Katse and Mohale Dam catchments of the Lesotho highlands

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

Rangeland conditions in the Lesotho highland dam catchment areas is important for local livelihoods and regional water supply. We investigated changes in land cover and condition from 1991 (before construction) to 2013, using Landsat imagery. The Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) decreased in the catchment areas, while increasing within two protected areas. NDVI decreases were greatest close to the dams and in the high altitude summer grazing areas.

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation

Would community conservation initiatives benefit from external financial oversight? A framed field experiment in Namibia’s communal conservancies

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

It is commonly asserted that the successful management of common property resources (CPR), and by extension, the provision of public goods such as biodiversity and carbon, requires the devolution of control to local communities. However, where trust in community institutions is low, the intrinsic motivation to co-operate may be diminished. In this study, we carried out surveys and framed field experiments on the introduction of payments for ecosystem services (PES) to Namibia’s communal conservancies, established under the community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) programme.

Biodiversity, Conservation

An Estuary Ecosystem Classification that encompasses biogeography and a high diversity of types in support of protection and management

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

For nearly three decades, the Whitfield (1992) characterisation scheme served as a reference framework to type South African estuaries. We outline a revised ecosystem classification scheme that incorporates biogeographical zonation and introduces new types. Coastal outlets were re-categorised as estuaries or micro-systems. For functional estuaries, the Estuarine Lakes, Estuarine Bays and Predominantly Open Estuary types were largely retained. New types are Estuarine Lagoons and Arid Predominantly Closed Estuaries.

Biodiversity, Conservation

Ecosystem service values of sediment generation and entrapment by marginal coral reefs at Sodwana Bay, South Africa

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

Coral reefs provide a multitude of goods and services, some of which are difficult to value due to their intangible nature and the absence of markets to ascribe their relative worth. The coral reefs of Sodwana Bay on the northeast coast of South Africa provide several ecological goods and services, of which only two are considered here: namely, sediment generation and sediment entrapment. Both are deemed essential to the functioning of the Sodwana Bay economy.

Biodiversity, Conservation

The future representativeness of Madagascar's protected area network in the face of climate change

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on

With many species predicted to respond to a changing climate by shifting their distribution to climatically suitable areas, the effectiveness of static protected areas (PAs) is in question. The Madagascan PA network area has quadrupled over the past 15 years, and, although conservation planning techniques were employed to prioritise suitable areas for protection during this process, climate change impacts were not considered.

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation

Potential impacts of changing climate on nature-based tourism: A case study of South Africa’s national parks

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on

Climate change could potential have significant impacts on the global tourism industry through changes in accessibility, comfort levels, and geographic or seasonal changes to attractions. Global and regional studies based on climate indices suggest that there will be global shifts in tourism, with many of the currently warmer areas potentially experiencing decreases in tourism. These include much of the global south, where nature-based tourism is both an important contributor to economic output and believed to be vulnerable to climate change.

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation

Building assessment practice and lessons from the scientific assessment on livestock predation in South Africa

Submitted by Tali Hoffman on
EfD Authors:

After at least two millennia of human–wildlife conflict over the predation of livestock in South Africa1, the recently completed scientific assessment on livestock predation2 (PredSA) brings the power of a formal scientific assessment to focus on the topic. PredSA represents a global first in terms of applying this increasingly recognised approach to informing policy to the issue of livestock predation at a national level.

Biodiversity, Conservation