Energy poverty measures and the identification of the energy poor: A comparison between the utilitarian and capability-based approaches in Chile

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

This work explores the consequences that different energy poverty definitions and measures might have for the identification of  the  energy poor. Using the  2017 National Survey of  Public Energy Perception applied to  a sample of 3,500 households in Chile, we compare the respective identification outcomes of applying the ten percent rule index (TPRI) and our proposed Perception-based Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index (PMEPI) against the monetary poverty identification outcome.


Who is marginalized in energy justice? Amplifying community leader perspectives of energy transitions in Ghana

Submitted by Petra Hansson on
EfD Authors:

 There is a divide in energy access studies, between technologically-focused modeling papers in engineering and economics, and energy justice frameworks and principles grounded in social sciences. Quantitative computational models are necessary when analyzing energy, and more specifically electricity, systems, as they are technologically-complex systems that can diverge from intuitive patterns.

Climate Change, Energy, Land

EfD-Mak Policy Brief on Governance of Natural Resources Utilisation In Uganda

Submitted by Jane Anyango on


Sustainable and efficient governance and utilization of natural resources requires:

1. Transparency, accountability, rule of law, inclusive participation and cooperation of all stakeholders and actors in natural resources. 2. Balancing economic, social and environmental goals in all government programs and plans including private investments.

Agriculture, Energy, Fisheries, Forestry, Land, Water